Category Archives: Allgemein @en

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Monitoring Highspeed Train Maneauvres

The train collision warning system has been installed on highspeed trains for the first time ever, showing it’s huge potential for any kind of train installation. During a recent measurement…

And the winner is…

Intelligence on Wheels was awarded the International Critical Communications Award 2016 in the category “Best Use of TETRA for Transport”. In this category the Judges looked for outstanding technologies and…

Meet us in Italy 7.-9.3.16

You want to discuss how our products can help you to avoid train collisions in Italy? Come and meet us in Rome (07.03.2016) Bologna (08.03.2016) Ancona (09.03.2016) where you can…

Helmholtz nominates IoW as Falling Walls Science Start-Up of the Year

The Helmholtz Association is one of the 20 leading academic institutions and venture capitalists eligible to nominate their most outstanding science based start-up company for the “Falling Walls Science Start-Up…

Manfred-Fuchs-Innovation-Award 2015

IoW and DLR have been awarded the Manfred-Fuchs-Innovation-Award 2015 for their remarkable effort and success to make their innovative train collision avoidance system ready for the market. The award was…

Relocated to new labs

IoW has completed its relocation to our labs. From now on you can find us at “Argelsrieder Feld 13” (Building TE02, level one) in D-82234 Wessling. Please see our maps…

IoW on stage

Intelligence on Wheels has been invited to participate in a stage show at this year’s InnoTrans in Berlin. A video of the show has been recently published. Click here or…

Meet us at InnoTrans 2014

Intelligence on Wheels will present its innovative technology at InnoTrans 2014, Europeans leading international trade fair for transport technology, innovative components, vehicles and systems. We will not only show a…

Winning local representative for Australia and New Zealand

Selectrail is representative for Intelligence on Wheels in Australia and New Zealand Selectrail and Intelligence on Wheels (IoW) are proud to announce that both companies have signed a contract allowing…

European Rail Award 2013, London

We are honored to announce that our innovative train collision avoidance system was awarded the European Rail Award for Excellence in Safety and Security  at an impressive ceremony in front…